April 1st

Ms. Colihan's Google Classroom Codes

Below are the links and codes to join Google Classroom for each class period I teach.  
Click on the title of your class period to be taken to the page where you will need to enter the code to join the class (you will need to be signed into your NS gapps account.) 

Please make sure you are joining the correct grade level/class period.  

World of Foods, Period 1 - qjqjebx

Teen Living, Period 2 - r3lwb5j
FCS 7th, Period 3- j525dxv

Advanced World Foods, Period 4- nfe35ym

World Foods, Period 5A - n3g2xze

FCS 7th, Period 7- lth57hp

Foods for Fitness, Period 8 - i33drwb

Google Meet Office Hours Link - 
(Tuesdays/Thursdays 1-3 PM)

Week of 3/23/20

Hello, class!
    There are may activities you  can do to strengthen skills learned in my class. Now is an excellent time to practice kitchen/home sanitation. You have all worked so hard throughout the years to keep our kitchens clean and healthy. Please practice your hand washing procedures at home. Attached is a video explaining the importance of washing your hands properly. Now is an excellent time show your family how we clean the kitchen at school. If you have the opportunity  to help make food with or for your family I would LOVE to see the pictures and hear ALL about it.


Please email me any pictures you have demonstrating skills you have learned in my class. It would make my day!


I look forward to learning with all of you again!
Ms. Colihan